園區沿革 About Shueijiaoshe
水交社文化園區About Shueijiaoshe 原水交社日式宿舍群區域,曾經是日治時期駐防臺南機場的臺南海軍航空隊,其官兵、眷屬之居所。國民政府遷臺後,水交社由航空委員會(今空軍總部前身)派員接收,並成為443聯隊之基地,水交社亦陸續興建眷舍以提供國軍官兵及眷屬居住。 2004年,臺南市政府以「原水交社宿舍群暨文化景觀」名稱指定古蹟,作為保存臺南眷村文化資產的重要據點,原址於2019年成立「水交社文化園區」。 |
The Japanese-style residences of Shueijiaoshe were the housing community for military personnel in Tainan Naval Air Force and their family dependents. After the National Government relocated to Taiwan, Shueijiaoshe was taken over by the Aviation Commission (the predecessor of the Air Force Headquarters) and was used as the base for the 443rd Tactical Fighter Wing. More housing facilities were then built at the site for military personnel and their families. In 2004, Shueijiaoshe was designated by Tainan City Government as cultural heritage in the name, “Primary Dormitory Area of Shueijiaoshe and the Cultural Landscape”. To preserve cultural assets of military housing community in Tainan, “Shueijiaoshe Cultural Park” was established at the same location and opened to the public in 2019. |